Baby teeth and teethers

Sunday July 13, 2014 at 3:07pm

Baby teeth can arrive in any order and at any time but many children follow a typical pattern. Most babies will start teething around 6 months although some are born with one or more teeth while others remain toothless for the first year! Generally, it can take up to two and a half years for all the milk teeth to come through. The incisors are usually the first to develop; the central bottom teeth followed by the top two central teeth. Next are the side or lateral incisors and then the teeth beside them, continuing on until all 20 milk teeth are through.

Some babies are not troubled by teething. Others are irritable, needy and in obvious pain, which translates to disturbed nights and anxious, stressed parents. Here are five products which, hopefully, will help you survive the joys of teething.

  1. Sassy Teething Tail Fish

    This is a highly recommended teether, which can be chilled in the freezer and used to cool sore gums. It is lightweight, attractive and safe. Available from many retails such as Tesco and John Lewis from around £4.

  2. Brush-baby chewable toothbrush
    This toothbrush is fantastic as it was designed by a dentist to “clean teeth, massage gums and soothe teething gums as it is chewed.” It is light and has tiny soft bristles made of silicone which can be chewed at either end. It may be cooled in the fridge and an added bonus is that it can be cleaned in a dishwasher or in a steam sterilizer. Available in Boots at £5.

  3. Sophie

    This brilliant teether is available at many retailers and is around £10.
    Sophie the giraffe has been around for over 50 years. Created in France from 100% natural rubber and food paint, it became an immediate success as parents recognized its ability to soothe sore gums and stimulate the senses. It is still made in the same way and looks exactly the same but many new designs have been added including a vanilla teether. This has rings to hold as well as a “multi-textured surface for a gentle massage of the gums”
    John Lewis - £8.95

  4. Ringley organic straight teething toy

    For many babies, a cold cloth like the Ringley Knotted Teether works best. It is made from organic cotton and untreated maple wood, making it safe and providing interesting textures for teething babies. It can be used wet or dry and is completely washable. Some newer designs use Velcro so the cloth can be detached and put in the machine. Available from The Purely Natural Company £10.99.

  5. Teething necklace

    And now something for mum as well! All babies love grabbing and chewing on necklaces but apart from strangling the wearers, the beads aren’t always baby-friendly. This is where teething necklaces come in. They are adult necklaces designed for babies to chew on whilst being carried. Completely safe, they are made from 100% non-toxic silicon, the sort used for bottle teats and dummies, and have a breakaway clasp that will separate easily when given a hard tug. Such a good idea! But although they are available widely and cheaply in North America and Australia, as yet they don’t appear to be made in the UK and are expensive to buy on Amazon. A quick search on another internet site produced great results, though. Yes, you have to pay international shipping costs (£5 - £10) but you still get fashionable teething jewellery at a fraction of the cost. Have a look at these examples.

    bickelnicoll £6.29 + shipping

    BEBEandMEbeads £18 + shipping

    Gumeez Cheri Pendant Teething Necklace £16.15 + shipping

Hope this has been useful :)

Love from Chamomile Baby x x

Beautiful Personalised Babywear





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