Funky Conker Necklace

Saturday October 4, 2014 at 8:00am

Collecting conkers is such fun, especially when you find a complete shell ready to break open and reveal that amazing polished wooden nut. It is getting towards the end of the season but there are still plenty to be found if you look hard enough. So, what to do with all of them?

Counting conkers, rolling them, even playing a form of marbles or bowls are all good activities and, when your toddler has had enough of that, they can always be threaded to make a necklace or bangle.

Choose fairly large conkers and, with the soft side uppermost, use a skewer to make an initial hole through the centre. This will help you to get larger implements through in order to increase the size of the hole. I used two sizes of Philips screwdriver, the smaller one first. Then, use a round shoelace with a knot at one end to thread the conker beads. If that proves too difficult for your toddler to manage, use a pipe cleaner (far easier to manipulate) to make a bangle.

Don't these look great :)!

Hope your little one/s loves their homemade conker necklace and bangle.

Love Chamomile Baby x x 






» Categories: General, Activities, Craft ideas

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