Bubble Wrap Printing

Monday June 9, 2014 at 2:00pm

I’m all in favour of recycling as much as possible and what could be better than re-using bubble wrap! I’m not suggesting you use it to insulate drafty windows by sticking it on to your windowpanes or protect walls by wrapping it round door handles (these are actual suggestions I found on a website!!). No, your toddler will love using bubble wrap for mark making. Here are some simple instructions on what to do.

What you will need:

  • An A4 piece of bubble wrap
  • A4 plain paper
  • Variety of liquid paints (these can be bought cheaply from larger supermarkets)
  • Paintbrush
  • Old plastic containers (I use clean yoghurt pots, margarine tubs etc)

What you do:

  1. Using different colours and the paintbrush, get your toddler to paint the bubble wrap all over. This is good for developing fine motor skills.

  2. Place the plain paper over the top of the painted bubble wrap and press down evenly.
  3. Carefully, peel away the paper to reveal the artwork.

Why not use your toddlers patterned paper as personalised wrapping paper, great idea for wrapping their Father's Day present in!

Hope you enjoy this, my nephews reaction to this was simply wow! As we peeled away the bubble wrap to reveal the pattern left on the paper. He also liked feeling the painted bubble wrap with his hands!

Love from Chamomile Baby x x

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